
《徕卡 S4 - 8 操作手册》-已退市

Dear Customer

Thank you for the trust you have shown in choosing oneof our products. We hope you will have much enjoymentand success with your new stereomicroscope from LeicaMicrosystems.

With its new StereoZoom* line the Swiss Stereomicroscopy Business Unit offers a comprehensive range ofstereomicroscopes for every application. The Leica L2cold-ight illuminator-also new- transforms any of theinstruments into a compact, streamlined complete outfitofmodern design. Possible applications range from in-spection and assembly work, OEM and schools to qualityassurance functions. The stereomicroscopes, cold-lightsource and stand are all antistatic to protect againstESD,A Terminator version is available for problematicworking areas in electronics.

One of our major development goals was to make ournew StereoZoom" line simple and intuitive to use. Never-theless, please take the time to read these instructions.They will familiarize you with your stereomicroscope'sadvantages and enable you to use it to best effect. lfyouhave questions at amy time, please contact your Leicarepresentative or Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd.We will be glad to help you. We place great emphasis oncustomer service-before and after purchase (see p. 47)

S4 - 8 User Manual 登录后下载
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《徕卡 S4 - 8 操作手册》-已退市 登录后下载