11月30日,徕卡显微系统全球总裁Annette Rinck、首席技术官兼全球研发副总裁Dirk Voelkel、中国区总经理章越、医疗部全国销售总监贾斌斌一行莅临我院,实地考察了我院的设备、服务和医疗技术,深入了解了国内眼科的临床和科研需求,探讨了行业发展趋势和未来合作方向。爱尔眼科上海总院CEO陈胜蓝、爱尔眼科上海总院副院长李文生、上海爱尔清亮眼科医院CEO苏怡、爱尔眼科上海总院屈光科专家邵清出席了本次交流会。
On 30th November, Dr. Annette Rinck, President of Leica Microsystems, Dirk Voelkel, Vice President Global R&D and Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Zhang Yue, General Manager of Leica Microsystems China, and Jia Binbin, National Sales Director of the Medical Department, and their group visited AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai and inspected our equipment, services and medical technology, and gained an in-depth understanding of the clinical and scientific research needs of Chinese ophthalmology, and discussed industry development trends and future cooperation directions.
Chen Shenglan, CEO of AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai, Li Wensheng, Vice President of AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai, Su Yi, CEO of Shanghai AIER Qingliang Eye Hospital, and Shao Qing, refractive expert of AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai, attended this meeting.
在相关领导的陪同下,Annette Rinck女士一行参观了爱尔眼科上海总院检查区、特需医疗部等,详细了解了我院的医疗设备和服务情况,还现场了解了显微镜在我院的使用情况,并与医院专家、工作人员进行了亲切交流。
Dr. Annette Rinck and her party visited the examination area and the International Medical Services Department of AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai, and visited our hospital's medical equipment and services, and the use of microscopes in our hospital, and communicated with the experts and staff.
Annette Rinck女士对我院完善的医疗体系、人性化的就诊流程以及各类眼科诊疗设备的先进性给予了高度评价,同时对医院现代化、规范化、标准化的建设成果赞赏有加。
Dr. Annette Rinck praised our hospital's medical system, humanized medical treatment process and various ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment equipment. She also praised the hospital's modernization and standardization construction.
Subsequently, the two parties discussed the development trends, technological innovation and cooperation models in the field of ophthalmology.
According to Chen Shenglan, CEO of AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai, AIER Eye Hospital Shanghai relies on AIER Eye Hospital Group's “1+8+N” eye care service network. Under this strategy, the Group intends to build 1 world-class eye hospital, 8 national and regional eye center, and accelerate the establishment and development of eye medical institutions. It is expected that these efforts will improve the ophthalmic medical technology in China, and enable AIER to catch up with and even surpass advanced international levels, gain a good reputation among patients, and sustain a steady and consistent business level.
会议中,Annette Rinck女士对爱尔眼科集团的显微镜使用情况进行了了解,徕卡中国区总经理章越表示显微镜已经成为了眼科手术中不可或缺的工具,徕卡将在“一体化术中OCT”、“助手镜”、“AI人工智能”三个方面不断优化显微镜系统,为更多疑难眼病患者做出自己的贡献。愿在未来的日子里,双方进一步加强交流与合作,在各自行业领域继续领跑,为国内眼科事业攀登新高峰做出贡献。
Mr. Zhang Yue, conveyed the pivotal role of microscopes in ophthalmic surgeries during a meeting where Dr. Annette Rinck explored the utilization of these devices at the AIER Eye Hospital Group. Mr. Yue expressed that microscopes have evolved into indispensable tools in the field, emphasizing Leica Microsystems's commitment to ongoing optimization in three key areas: "Integrated OCT Surgery," "Assistive Mirrors," and "AI". These advancements aim to contribute significantly to the diagnosis and treatment of challenging eye conditions. Both parties envision a strengthened collaboration in the future, aspiring to maintain leadership positions in their respective industries. Their joint efforts are poised to make substantial contributions to the advancement of ophthalmology in China, ultimately enhancing healthcare services for patients.
Finally, Mr. Chen Shenglan, expressed his hope for continuous and deeper-level collaboration in the future. He aims to bring convenience and efficiency to medical professionals and provide a safer, more precise diagnostic and treatment service for a wider range of patients.