其他研究领域: 参考文献:
1、细胞生物学 Marx V.,2018,"Caling all cell biologists to try cryo-ET", Nature Methods 15:575-578.
2、免疫学 Vaites L.P.,Harper, J.W.,2018,“Protein aggregates caught stalling",Nature 555,449-451.
Oikonomou C.M., Jensen GJ., 2017,"Cellular electron cryotom ography: towards structural
3、病毒学 biology in situ", Annual Review of Biochemistry 86:873-896.
4、微生物学 Beck M., Baumeister W.,2016,"Cryo-Electron Tomography: can it reveal the mole cular
sociology of cells in atomic detail?", Trends in Cell Biology 26(11): 825-837.